Presentation 4B
Gillian Hallam
Julie Hughes
Catherine Paul
Tracy Penny Light
Gillian Hallam is Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology. Since mid 2007 she has been Project Leader for a national research initiative to investigate ePortfolio practice in higher education in Australia. The success of the initial project has led to further funding from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council to encourage engagement across the sector through communities of practice. Gillian has been Chair of the Australian ePortfolio Symposium in 2008 and 2009.
Julie Hughes has been exploring how the use of e-portfolios in higher education might support the development of reflexive collaborative learning and teaching cultures. Julie teaches in the School of Education at the University of Wolverhampton. Julie is a National Teaching Fellow (2005) and she is featured in the JISC (2008) publication Effective Practice with e-Portfolios.
Catherine Paul works at UBC in the Office of Learning Technology where she helps to connect and support groups on campus using ePortfolios and other eLearning tools. Catherine has been working with teaching and learning technology for the past 10 years. She previously worked for WebCT where she first experienced the power of how technology could foster community.
Tracy Penny Light is Professor of History at St. Jerome's University and has used ePortfolios for learning in her courses since 2003. She also manages ePortfolio projects on the wider University of Waterloo campus and has published on the use of ePortfolios for deep learning. She also works with individuals and institutions to implement ePortfolios for learning in their courses and on their campuses.
Hughes Presentation (ppt) (Removed per author's request 7/10/09)
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