welcome to e-Portfolio

The CSU ePortfolio Project is a community of members – CSU faculty, staff, administrators – that share a common interest in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning through the use of ePortfolios.

About ePortfolios in the CSU

ePortfolios are being used by a variety of CSU campuses within a variety of colleges. ePortfolios are sometimes just a way to put selected information up on a website, and sometimes they are a digital repository, allowing the users to build web-pages (websites) with specific content.

See the Concept Map link opens new window to get an idea of a broad system, and check out the Resources page for more support documentation.

Getting Started

The most important thing to do before you decide on an ePortfolio system is to figure out what your goal is. What do you want the stakeholders to get: Students? Faculty? School? Institutions? (See the Concept Map link opens new window)


If you know your institution wants an ePortfolio system then it's time to figure out what the requirements are -- what you want IN an ePortfolios system. Know your user; know your user's needs. Review ePortflios the Getting Started section so you know the theories behind what an ePortfolio system can offer. (See the Concept Map link opens new window)


Once you've decided on the product, you need to make a plan like every other software installation or adoption. If you are hosting the servers yourself you can go right into the adoption planning.


Accreditation agencies have become more outcome driven, requiring examples of student learning as well as an aggregation of assessment data for internal program evaluation. Some vendor products are design to help with accreditation, so choose carefully.

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Important Links

The MERLOT ePortfolio Portal link opens new windowis an educational resource for teaching and learning. Check out events (in Beyond MERLOT) and a fine collection of examples and showcase ePortfolios.