Concept Map- a visual model for a student centered ePortfolio system which allows for a repository and secure, selective access for the student - as displayed by the left side. The right side shows how data aggregation can help the Institution with accreditation by collecting information on goals and standards. It displays the need for the backend to be organized by departments, classes, and assignments.
Script for Reviewing ePortfolio Products (pdf)This is a short collection of questions to be used for reviewing ePortfolio systems. This script for reviewing ePortfolio products is not meant to be a comprehensive list; rather it is a starting point.
SFSU June 2008 Report (pdf) San Francisco State University's comprehensive report on ePortfolio Development includes an Integrated Faculty and Student Support Model, plans for their updated website, and a Case Study on selecting an open source ePortfolio tool.
SFSU 2008 Vendor Report (pdf) As part of SFSU's ePortfolio Development report they reviewed four opensource ePortfolio products. This is the consolidation of that information, which is complemented by their entire report.
The CSU - specifically San Jose State University and San Francisco State University - was proud to be part of iNCEPR Cohort III. "Cohort III (2006-2009), supported by NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, includes campuses at which academic affairs and student affairs educators are collaborating to support in-class and out-of-class learning through eportfolios. Please go to their website at more information and to see the reports.
The Learning Portfolio: Reflective Practice for Improving Student Learning (pdf)
John Zubizarreta
Professor of English
Director of Honors and Faculty Development
Columbia College, SC
Presentations from the West Coast Summit - Day of Dialogue (2/25/09) meeting at San Francisco's Downtown Campus centered around the three main themes for the day:
© 2015 California State University
Concept and design by the Center for Distributed Learning