Maggie Beers
Maggie Beers, Ph.D., is Director of Academic Technology at San Francisco State University where she coordinates visioning, planning and implementation of Academic Technology. She oversees the units that provide services, and best practices, for online learning and teaching, technology development, smart classrooms, and instructional media and web development. Maggie is the co-director of the Institute for Inclusive Media, which researches and creates applications, content, pedagogy, and organizational structures in support of media creation and consumption for users of all abilities.
Helen Chen
Helen L. Chen, Ph.D., is a Research Scientist at the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning in the Human-Sciences Technologies Advanced Research Institute at Stanford University. Her current research interests focus on the application of ePortfolios. She is a founding member and co-facilitator of the Electronic Portfolio community of practice (EPAC) and a member of the national advisory board for AAC&U's Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education project.
Una Daly
Una Daly, MA Educational Technology, is the coordinator for the ePortfolio California project which is working with K-20 colleges and schools to identify best ePortfolio tools and practices statewide. She also manages an ePortfolio project at Foothill Community College focusing on Career Technical Education for college and high school students. Ms. Daly also teaches Computer Technology and Information Systems classes in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Lynne Groves
Lynne D. Groves represents the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities as Director of Instructional Strategies for eFolioWorld™. Lynne's experience in assessment, particularly in electronic portfolio practice, is tied closely to her current role with regard to implementation and development of the newly-released eFolioWorld™ Version 2. Having completed three years as a member of Minnesota's team in Cohort III of the [inter]National Coalition for Electronic Portfolio Research (iNCEPR), she actively engages faculty and learners in using ePortfolios to extend their thinking about learning experiences reflectively over time.
Cris Guenter
Cris Guenter, Ed.D., Graduate Programs Coordinator in the Department of Education at California State University, Chico, specializes in teaching that focuses upon arts education, current instructional technology, technology intersection with the arts, and assessment and electronic portfolios. She has been an active member of MERLOT since 1998 and MERLOT Teacher Education Editorial Board Associate Editor since its inception in January 2000. In 2002 Dr. Guenter was named CSU, Chico Outstanding Teacher and received the MERLOT Classics Award for Teacher Education. She is the 2008 National Art Educator of the Year.
Diane Judd, Ph.D. is an associate professor at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. She has taught educational technology at Valdosta State University for twelve years. Since 1996, Dr. Judd has worked with electronic portfolios at Florida State University and Valdosta State University assisting students and faculty.
Kevin Kelly, Ed.D., Online Teaching/Learning Coordinator, Academic Technology (AT), SF State; lecturer, SF State and Santa Clara University; participant, CSU team, National Coalition on E-Portfolio Research. Areas of expertise: Organizational Change, Instructional Design, Academic Technology Project Management, Needs Assessment, Instructional Multimedia Development, Integrating Technology into Curriculum, grant writing.
Ken O'Donnell
Ken O'Donnell is the Associate Dean of Academic Program Planning at the California State University Office of the Chancellor. Ken served for several years as Undergraduate Program Chair and then Assistant Dean of the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University. He had primary responsibility for catalog revision, class scheduling, admissions, learning outcomes assessment, and adjunct staffing. For his work as an administrator Ken won faculty service awards in 2003 and 2005. He takes particular interest in the way pre-professional education such as the film degree draws on the values of liberal learning.
John Whitmer
John Whitmer, Director of the California Virtual Campus, which provides distributed learning services for K-20 institutions, and is hosted by Butte College. John previously directed @ONE statewide instructional technology training project at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose. John has been involved in distributed learning technologies, with a focus on professional development and implementation for well over a decade, and has worked with training formats ranging from self-paced tutorials to online instructor-led workshops. John's background is in Technology and Social Science, with a degree in Computer Engineering and a Master's degree in Social Anthropology from UC-Davis.
David Wicks
David Wicks has been the Director of Instructional Technology at Seattle Pacific University since 1998. He consults with faculty on appropriate uses of technology and has been involved in the development of numerous online and blended courses. In addition, he regularly teaches online and blended courses in the School of Education. Recent projects include: developing a matrix of content capture applications, implementing the use of Web 2.0 technologies in online courses, and leading the SPU iTunes U project.
Kathleen Willbanks
Kathleen Willbanks was formerly the Project Manager for the California State University Center for Distributed Learning. In 2002 she was on the investigative team reporting on ePortfolios for the Education Deans in the CSU. In 2006 she reviewed ePortfolio tools for the WCET EduTools project and focused research on ePortfolios while pursuing a Master's in Education and Technology. In 2009 Kathleen was published and presented her paper "The Future of Electronic Portfolios: Do They Help with Accreditation?" at ED-MEDIA 2009--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications.
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Concept and design by the Center for Distributed Learning